 Apple Scholarship Winner 2020
User Experience
I made a playground submission for my second year applying for the WWDC Scholarship. This was my first attempt exploring SwiftUI. I love the idea of doing something that can be useful to other people to interact with. It was a challenge for me, do something outside my comfort zone which is design and research, but I was very happy with the result. ☺️
In "User Experience", you'll help the developers of this this food app to improve their bad design, using the Human Interface Guidelines in 1 minute!
Development week
Fri, 8 - Research, analysis of past projects 🔍
Sat, 9 - Idea, listening to the opinion of fellow programmers 💡
Sun, 10 - More research, knowing the software 💻
Mon, 11 - The idea seemed very complicated, more research 🤿
Tue, 12 - New idea, development 🚧
Wed, 13 - Asked for some mentor help, development 👨🏻‍🏫
Thu, 14 - Development, did user testing, development 👀
Fri, 15 - Fix bugs, development and sent it to the WWDC! 
Sat, 16 - Uploading the project to Github 🥁
Sun, 17 - Producing the video and updating the Github 🎬

What is Human Interface Guidelines?
Human Interface Guidelines aim to improve the experience for the users by making application interfaces more intuitive, learnable, and consistent. They're used across all Apple products! HIGs often describe the visual design rules, including icon and window design and style.

To test "User Experience" yourself, download this zipped .playgroundbook file and open it using Swift Playgrounds 3.3 or above for macOS. If this has helped you in any way, feel free to hit me up on LinkedIn or email ;D.​​​​​​​
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